Women Empowerment

Ko-Sa Beach Resort

19 July 2020

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Women In 2020 it became apparent to the local municipality, the KEEA, that Central Region, and specifically the municipality in which Ko-Sa Beach Resort is situated, has an comparatively high rate of adolescent pregnancy among Junior High School girls. The Education Unit of the municipality desires to solve this problem and wants to inspire the adolescents to achieve their career aspirations. To do so they have selected 300 adolesent girls in the Basic Schools of the KEEA Municipality for an empowerment programme.

The municipality expects that regular and consistent programs on Mentorship and Girl Empowerment will go a long way to inspire girls to achieve their career aspirations and to curb early sex and teenage pregnancies among school girls in the KEEA Municipality. The program wants to provide opportunities for guidance and counselling wherever necessary, increase the transition rate of girls from basic education to senior high school, and expose girls to science, technology and mathematics.

Ko-Sa Beach Resort is very fond of this initiative and will fully support it wherever it can.

Sisters & Brothers Club

Ampenyi community is located in one of the coastal areas of the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem constituency in the central region of Ghana. The community has a population of about four thousand (4,000) of which more than 50% are younger than 19 years. The district health research indicates that maternal deaths, malaria and cholera are major health problems in the communities.

On August 27th, by initiative of the Ghana Health Service, a Brother & Sisters Club has been inaugurated in Ampenyi. In Ampenyi, several guidance nurses are located. The young people in Ampenyi, who are a member of the Brothers & Sisters club get educated by these nurses about sexual and reproductive health. This includes education about teenage pregnancy, maternal health, maternal mortalities, sexual health, STD’s such as HIV/Aids, reproductive hygiene and sanitation. The purpose of this education is to increase the knowledge of the young population in Ampenyi and reduce teenage pregnancy numbers. Furthermore, there is a focus on both female and male empowerment amongst these teenagers.

Ko-Sa Beach Resort embraces this message and feels that the Brothers & Sisters club is a great initiative that will contribute the well-being of the youngsters in the village.

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